If a child attending any Edge Sports and Activities Ltd sports course(s)/activity club(s) requires prescription medication of any kind, their parent or carer must complete a permission to administer medicine form in advance. Staff at the sports course(s)/activity club(s) will not administer any medication without such prior written consent.

Ideally children should take their medication before arriving. If this is not possible, children will be encouraged to take personal responsibility for their medication, if appropriate. If children carry their own medication (eg asthma inhalers), staff will offer to keep the medication safe until it is required. Inhalers must be labelled with the child’s name.

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd can only administer medication that has been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist. However, if a medicine contains aspirin we can only administer it if it has been prescribed by a doctor. All medication provided must have the prescription sticker attached which includes the child’s name, the date, the type of medicine and the dosage.

A designated staff member will be responsible for administering medication or for witnessing self-administration by the child. The designated person will record receipt of the medication on a Medication Log, will check that the medication is properly labelled, and will ensure that it is stored securely during the session.

Before any medication is given, the designated person will:

  • Check that Edge Sports and Activities Ltd has received written consent
  • Ask another member of staff to witness that the correct dosage is given.

When the medication has been administered, the designated person must:

  • Record all relevant details on the Record of Medication Given form
  • Ask the child’s parent or carer to sign the form to acknowledge that the medication has been given.

When the medication is returned to the child’s parent or carer, the designated person will record this on the Medication Log.

If a child refuses to take their medication, staff will not force them to do so. The manager and the child’s parent or carer will be notified, and the incident recorded on the Record of Medication Given.

Certain medications require specialist training before use, e.g. Epi Pens. If a child requires such medication the manager will arrange appropriate training as soon as possible. It may be necessary to absent the child until such training has been undertaken. Where specialist training is required, only appropriately trained staff may administer the medication.

A child’s parent or carer must complete a new Permission to Administer Medication form if there are any changes to a child’s medication (including change of dosage or frequency).

If a child suffers from a long term medical condition Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will ask the child’s parents to provide a medical care plan from their doctor, to clarify exactly what the symptoms and treatment are so that the sports course(s)/activity club(s) has a clear statement of the child’s medical requirements.

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will provide a supportive, caring and safe environment in which all children are free from the fear of being bullied. Bullying of any form is not tolerated in our company, whether carried out by a child or an adult.

Staff, volunteers, children and parents or carers will be made aware of the company’s position on bullying.

Bullying behaviour is unacceptable in any form.

Any child who is a victim of bullying will be dealt with in a sympathetic manner. If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt with immediately by the member of staff informed and then discussed with the supervisor. A clear account of the incident will be recorded in an Incident log. All staff will be informed so that close monitoring of the victim and bully can begin. Parents of both parties will be informed.

A definition of bullying is fundamental to the purpose of this policy.

‘Bullying is behaviour which can be defined as the repeated attack (physical, verbal, emotional or psychological) by an individual or a group deemed to be in a position of power, on one or more who is deemed to be powerless to resist, with the intention of causing distress for their own gain or gratification.’

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd defines bullying as the repeated harassment of others through the following;

  • Physical: Pushing, scratching, spitting, kicking, hitting, biting, taking or damaging belongings, tripping up, punching or using any sort of violence against another person.
  • Psychological: Behaviour likely to create a sense of fear or anxiety in another person.
  • Emotional: Being deliberately unkind, shunning or excluding another person from a group or tormenting them. For example, making another person feel ‘left out’ of a game or activity, passing notes about others or making fun of another person.
  • Verbal: Name-calling, put-downs, ridiculing or using words to attack, threaten or insult. For example, spreading rumours or making fun of another person’s appearance.
  • Homophobic: because of, or focussing on, the issue of sexuality
  • Cyber: all areas of internet, such as email and internet chat room misuse/mobile phone threats by text messaging and calls/misuse of associated technology i.e. camera and video facilities
  • Sexual: unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments

Racial harassment can take any of the forms of bullying listed above but is motivated by the victim’s colour, race, nationality, or ethnic or national origins. Incidents of racial harassment will be recorded as such on the Incident log.

Preventing bullying behaviour

Staff and volunteers at Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will foster an anti-bullying culture in the following ways:

  • Encouraging caring and nurturing behaviour
  • Encouraging children to report bullying without fear
  • Discussing the issues surrounding bullying with the children, including why bullying behaviour will not be tolerated
  • Exploring the consequences of bullying behaviour with the children
  • Responding to bullying behaviour
  • That all Edge Sports and Activities Ltd staff and volunteers, participants/member and parents should have an understanding of what bullying is.
  • That all Edge Sports and Activities Ltd staff and volunteers should know what the company policy is on bullying and follow it when bullying is reported.
  • That all participants/member and parents should know what the company policy is on bullying and what they should do if bullying arises.
  • That, at Edge Sports and Activities Ltd, we take bullying seriously. Participants/member and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
  • To encourage confidence, self-esteem, a feeling of security, ownership and active participation. Discussing friendships and encouraging paired, group and team play
  • To respond to bullying as a whole company community issue and recognise that both bullies and the bullied have emotional and social needs.
  • To recognise that bullying is wrong, morally and socially unacceptable, and should not be tolerated in any environment.
  • To make our response to bullying swift, clear and firm.

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd acknowledges that despite all efforts to prevent it, bullying behaviour is likely to occur on occasion. Should such incidents occur, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will follow the procedure outlined below:

  • We will address all incidents of bullying thoroughly and sensitively.
  • Victims of bullying will be offered the immediate opportunity to discuss the matter with a member of staff who will reassure the child and offer support.
  • They will be reassured that what they say will be taken seriously and handled sympathetically.
  • Staff will support the individual who has been bullied, keeping them under close supervision, and checking their welfare regularly.
  • If another child witnesses bullying and reports this, staff will reassure them that they have done the right thing. Staff will then investigate the matter.
  • If a member of staff witnesses an act of bullying, involving children or adults at the club, they will inform the supervisor.
  • Children who have bullied will be helped by discussing what has happened, establishing why the child became involved. Staff will help the child to understand why this form of behaviour is unacceptable and will encourage him/her to change their behaviour
  • If bullying behaviour persists, more serious actions may have to be taken, as laid out in the terms and conditions, child exclusion section.
  • All incidents of bullying will be reported to the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator and will be recorded on an Incident Log. The co-ordinator and other relevant staff will review the company’s procedures in respect of bullying, to ensure that practices are relevant and effective.

Signs and Symptons of bullying

A child may indicate by signs or behaviour that he or she is being bullied. Adults should be aware of these possible signs and that they should investigate if a child:

  • is frightened of walking to or from Edge Sports and Activities Ltd sessions
  • changes their usual routine
  • is unwilling to go to Edge Sports and Activities Ltd sessions
  • becomes withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence
  • starts stammering
  • attempts or threatens suicide or runs away
  • cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares
  • feels ill in the morning
  • comes home with clothes torn or equipment damaged
  • has possessions which are damaged or “go missing”
  • asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully)
  • has dinner or other monies continually “lost”
  • has unexplained cuts or bruises
  • comes home starving (money/lunch has been stolen)
  • becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable
  • is bullying other children or siblings
  • stops eating
  • is frightened to say what is wrong
  • gives improbable excuses for any of the above
  • is afraid to use the internet or mobile phone
  • is nervous and jumpy when a cyber message is received

These signs and behaviours could indicate other problems but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd staff and volunteers must be aware of all these signs to ensure early identification

The ‘BULLIES’ may:

  • lack ability to empathise with others
  • have difficulty making friends
  • have low self esteem
  • be self hating
  • have an unrecognised special need
  • have changing, difficult or hostile living circumstances
  • have experienced harsh, physical punishments themselves.
  • have experienced rejection
  • have experienced humiliation
  • be unable to relate their actions with their consequences
  • express no remorse

Staff Training

  • Where appropriate staff will be placed on a training course to help them develop skills relevant to this policy.
  • Opportunities are given during staff training to raise the awareness of staff and to discuss the topic of bullying.

Action to be taken when a Child tells

  • The member of staff told must first listen carefully and, if there seems to be a genuine case of bullying, initiate immediate action either on their own part or personally refer the matter to the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator. The complaint must not be dismissed or ignored.
  • It may be sufficient to go to the scene or summon the bully and then mediate with advice, reprimand, and extracting assurances. A careful written record must be kept and the victim sought a day or two later to ensure that there has been no repetition.
  • All Cases will be investigated and necessary action taken and parents of both bully and victim informed.
  • Sadly a few children may appear to ‘attract’ bullying, and they may need particular counselling to avoid this and on how to integrate better.
  • Notes of all serious incidents will be kept on a separate register.
  • At all times the victim should be made to feel safe. It may mean that anonymous evidence has to be taken in order to protect others. Staff and volunteers must use their professional discretion but they must record their actions and communicate their concerns.
  • The experience of bullying should be halted quickly, and the bullied child is helped to feel safe and secure. Steps must be taken to overcome a pupil’s reluctance to tell, whether from:
  • fearing reprisals
  • feeling that they are ‘grassing’
  • feeling ashamed of their vulnerability
  • feeling inadequate in being unable to sort out their own problems
  • Support programmes can be put in place:
  • ongoing monitoring by staff
  • specific work: to build self esteem; assertiveness training; build social and communication skills
  • enrol the support of a ‘buddy’

Legal Responsibilities

Those responsible for the care of children must be made aware of the following:

“Section 2.2 of the Education Act (2) 1986 requires the head to determine and make known within the school, measures which, for the pupils will:

– promote self-discipline and proper regard for authority;

– encourage good behaviour and respect for others;

– secure an acceptable standard of behaviour;

– otherwise regulate the conduct of pupils.”

In accordance with the above responsibilities DFEE Circular 8/94 regards it to be important that heads should:

– lead in defining the aims of the school in relation to standards of behaviour;

– create conditions for establishing wide agreements of those standards and how   they will be achieved;

– ensure that the standards are consistently and fairly applied.

The teacher legally has an explicit role to play.

“The teacher’s duties include the maintenance of good order and discipline among the pupils and the safeguard of their health and safety. These are duties required to ensure the efficient conduct of the education process and also to protect pupils against causing harm to themselves and more importantly, to other pupils.”

“The teacher has a duty of care to exercise disciplinary control. It follows that if one pupil caused injury to another, the teacher may bear a responsibility if it can be shown that the injury occurred as a result of the teacher’s failure to maintain order. A very great deal with depend on the circumstances of the incident. Teachers cannot reasonably be expected to foresee every incident nor, or course, to be everywhere on the school premises at the same time.”

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd recognises that the safe arrival and departure of the children in our care is paramount.

The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will ensure that an accurate record is kept of all children in attendance, and that any arrivals or departures are recorded in the register. The register is kept in an accessible location on the premises at all times. In addition we conduct regular headcounts during the session. 


Our staff will greet each child warmly on their arrival at the Club and will record the child’s attendance in the daily register straightaway, including the time of arrival.


  • Staff will ensure that staff, parents or carers sign children out before they leave, including the time of collection.
  • Children can only be collected by an adult who has been authorised to collect them on their registration form.
  • The child’s parents or carers must inform Edge Sports and Activities Ltd in advance if someone who is not listed on the registration form is to collect the child. The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will contact the main parent or carer for confirmation if they have any concerns regarding departures.
  • The parent or carer must notify the Edge Sports and Activities Ltd if they will be late collecting their child. If not informed, the Uncollected Children policy will be followed.
  • Children over the age of 8 will only be allowed to leave the sports course(s)/activity club(s) alone at the end of the session if it has been discussed and agreed with the child’s parents and has received their written consent.
  • Children below the age of 8 will not be allowed to leave the sports course(s)/activity club(s) unaccompanied.



  • If a child is going to be absent from a session, parents must notify the Edge Sports and Activities Ltd in advance.
  • If a child is absent without explanation, staff will contact the parents or carers and the school to check where the child should be. If there is no explanation for the absence Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will activate the Missing Child procedure.
  • The company will try to discover the causes of prolonged and unexplained absences. Regular absences could indicate that a child or their family might need additional support.

All children are entitled to play; it is intrinsic to their quality of life and an important part of how they learn and enjoy themselves.

According to the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012), “Play is essential for children’s development building their confidence as they learn to explore to think about problems and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play that is guided by adults.”

At Edge Sports and Activities Ltd we recognise the importance of play to a child’s development. As play workers we support and facilitate play, and do not seek to control or direct it. We will never force children to participate in play, but allow children to initiate and direct the experience for themselves. 

Facilitating play

We support and facilitate play by:

  • Providing an environment which is safe and suitable for playing in.
  • Setting up the sports course(s)/activity club(s) so that activities are ready before the children arrive.
  • Providing a range of equipment, resources and activities on a daily basis, and keeping a record of these to ensure that varied play opportunities are offered
  • Encouraging children to request additional or alternative equipment as they choose, and if a request has to be refused, explaining why.
  • Not expecting children to be occupied at all times.
  • Making outdoor play available every day, unless the weather is particularly bad.
  • Involving children in planning activities, to reflect their own interests and ideas.
  • Planning activities that enable children to develop their natural curiosity and imagination.
  • Allowing children freedom of creative expression, particularly in artistic or creative play.
  • Intervening in play only when necessary: to reduce risks of accident or injury, or to encourage appropriate social skills.
  • Warning children in advance when an activity or game is due to end. 

Play areas and equipment

  • All indoor and outdoor play areas are checked and risk assessed daily before the children arrive in accordance with our Risk Assessment policy.
  • The company keeps an inventory of resources and equipment, which is updated regularly and reviewed to identify where any additional resources are required.
  • Children are involved in selecting additional equipment and resources for use at the sports course(s)/activity club(s).
  • The resources used at the sports course(s)/activity club(s) promote positive images of different ethnic backgrounds, religions, and abilities, in line with our Equal Opportunities policy.
  • The sports course(s)/activity club(s) has a selection of fiction and non-fiction books, suitable for all age ranges.

When children first join one Edge Sports and Activities course/clubs they will be allowed to settle in at their own pace. We encourage parents or carers to visit the premises with their children shortly before they are due to start. This gives the children the opportunity to look around and ask any questions. It also gives parents the opportunity to complete the necessary paperwork for registration if this has not yet been done.

We do not expect parents to stay at the activity clubs but can allow it if a child needs support settling in.

Induction for new children

  • The new child will be introduced to all members of staff and informed about any other regular visitors to the club.
  • The course/club’s activities, rules and routines, such as snacks, signing in and signing out, will be explained.
  • The child will be shown around and told where they can and cannot go.
  • The fire evacuation procedure and the locations of all fire exits will be explained.
  • The child will be introduced to the other children.
  • Staff will keep a close eye on the new child and will ensure that they are happy, engaged and feel secure in the environment.
  • If a child seems to be taking an unusually long time to settle in, this will be discussed with their parents or carers to see what can be done to make the transition easier.

Trained Child Protection officers within Edge Sports and Activities Ltd

Andy Cooper (Founder / Company Director)


  • Safeguarding is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of health and/or development, ensuring that children grow up in the provision of safe and effective care and optimising children’s life chances.
  • This policy is published in order to inform staff, parents, volunteers about Edge Sports and Activities Ltd responsibilities for safeguarding children, and to enable everyone to have a clear understanding of how these responsibilities should be carried out.
  • Staff and volunteers are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour and failure to develop because they have daily contact with children.
  • All staff and volunteers will receive safeguarding children training, so that they are knowledgeable and aware of their role in the early recognition of the indicators of abuse or neglect and of the appropriate procedures to follow.
  • This training is refreshed every three years.
  • It is good practice for the Designated Senior Person (Andy Cooper) to deliver an annual update.
  • Underpinning this policy Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will commit itself in attempting to:
  • Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to when they have a worry or concern.
  • Establish and maintain an environment where staff and volunteers feel safe, are encouraged to talk and are listened to when they have concerns about the safety and well-being of a child.
  • Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.
  • Ensure that children who have been abused will be supported in line with a child protection plan, where deemed necessary.



In addition to the stated purposes given in the previous section, there is a statutory framework within which we work.

In order to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will act in accordance with the following legislation and guidance:

  • The Children Act 2004
  • Education Act 2002 (section 175)
  • HSCB Inter-agency Child Protection and Safeguarding Children Procedures (2010)
  • Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (DfES 2006)
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government 2010)
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE 2015)

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd is also expected to ensure that they have appropriate procedures in place for responding to situations in which they believe that a child has been abused or are at risk of abuse – these procedures should also cover circumstances in which a member of staff is accused of, or suspected of, abuse.


The Designated Child Protection Officer (DCPO)

  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd has an appointed Designated Child Protection Officer (DCPO) for Child Protection (Andy Cooper).

It is the role of the Designated Child Protection Officer to:

  • Ensure that he/she receives refresher training at two yearly intervals to keep his or her knowledge and skills up to date.
  • Ensure that all staff who work with children undertake appropriate training to equip them to carry out their responsibilities for safeguarding children effectively and that this is kept up to date by refresher training at three yearly intervals
  • Ensure that new staff receive a safeguarding children induction within 7 working days of commencement of their contract.
  • Ensure that temporary staff and volunteers are made aware of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd arrangements for safeguarding children within 7 working days of their commencement of work.
  • Ensure that Edge Sports and Activities Ltd operates within the legislative framework and recommended guidance.
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of the Inter-agency Child Protection and Safeguarding Children Procedures.
  • Ensure that Edge Sports and Activities Ltd management are kept fully informed of any concerns.
  • Develop effective working relationships with other agencies and services.
  • Decide upon the appropriate level of response to specific concerns about a child e.g. discuss with parents.
  • Liaise and work with AfC social care teams over suspected cases of child abuse.
  • Ensure that accurate safeguarding records relating to individual children are kept separate from the academic file in a secure place, marked ‘Strictly Confidential’ and are passed securely should the child transfer to a new provision.
  • Submit reports to ensure Edge Sports and Activities Ltd attendance at child protection conferences and contribute to decision making and delivery of actions planned to safeguard the child.
  • Ensure that Edge Sports and Activities Ltd effectively monitors children about whom there are concerns, including notifying AfC social care when there is an unexplained absence of more than two days for a child who is the subject of a child protection plan
  • Provide guidance to parents, children and staff about obtaining suitable support

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd Procedures – Staff Responsibilities

  • If any member of staff is concerned about a child he or she must inform the Designated Child Protection Officer.
  • The member of staff must record information regarding the concerns on the same day. The recording must be a clear, precise, factual account of the observations.
  • The DCPO will decide whether the concerns should be referred to the Local Authority. If it is decided to make such a referral, then this will be done with prior discussion with the parents, unless to do so would place the child at further risk of harm.
  • Particular attention will be paid to the attendance and development of any child about whom the school has concerns, or who has been identified as being the subject of a child protection plan and a written record will be kept.
  • If a pupil who is/or has been the subject of a child protection plan continues to attend Edge Sports and Activities Ltd, the Designated Senior Person will inform the social worker responsible for the case.
  • CareNet (online Child Protection service) is checked daily by the DCPO and is dealt within the same way as a face to face referral.

When to be concerned

All staff and volunteers should be aware that the main categories of abuse are:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect

All staff and volunteers should be concerned about a child if he/she presents with indicators of possible significant harm.

Generally, in an abusive relationship the child may:

  • Appear frightened of the parent/s or other household members e.g. siblings or others outside of the home
  • Act in a way that is inappropriate to her/his age and development (full account needs to be taken of different patterns of development and different ethnic groups)
  • Display insufficient sense of ‘boundaries’, lack stranger awareness
  • Appear wary of adults and display ‘frozen watchfulness’
  • Show markings or signs of harm on their body

All staff are aware and have received training on behavioural concerns regarding any pupil(s) showing extremist and/or radicalisation behaviour traits. Staff are to deal with any concerns in the same way as they would if there was signs of abuse which is listed above.


Dealing with a disclosure

If a child discloses that he or she has been abused in some way, the member of staff / volunteer should:

  • Listen to what is being said without displaying shock or disbelief
  • Accept what is being said
  • Allow the child to talk freely
  • Reassure the child, but not make promises which it might not be possible to keep
  • Not promise confidentiality – it might be necessary to refer to the Local Authority
  • Reassure him or her that what has happened is not his or her fault
  • Stress that it was the right thing to tell
  • Listen, only asking questions when necessary to clarify
  • Not criticise the alleged perpetrator
  • Explain what has to be done next and who has to be told
  • Make a written record (see Record Keeping)
  • Pass the information to the Designated Senior Person without delay


Dealing with a disclosure from a child, and safeguarding issues can be stressful. The member of staff/volunteer should, therefore, consider seeking support for him/herself and discuss this with the DCPO.


Safeguarding children raises issues of confidentiality that must be clearly understood by all staff/volunteers at Edge Sports and Activities Ltd schools.

  • All staff in schools, have a responsibility to share relevant information about the protection of children with other professionals, particularly the investigative agencies.
  • If a child confides in a member of staff/volunteer and requests that the information is kept secret, it is important that the member of staff/volunteer tell the child in a manner appropriate to the child’s age/stage of development that they cannot promise complete confidentiality – instead they must explain that they may need to pass information to other professionals to help keep the child or other children safe.
  • Staff/volunteers who receive information about children and their families in the course of their work should share that information only within appropriate professional contexts.

Communication with parents

  • Undertake appropriate discussion with parents prior to involvement of another agency unless in extreme cases such as doing so would place the child at further risk of harm.
  • Ensure that parents have an understanding of the responsibilities placed on the school and staff for safeguarding children.

Record keeping

When a child has made a disclosure, the member of staff/volunteer should:

  • Make brief notes as soon as possible after the conversation.
  • Not destroy the original notes in case they are needed by a court
  • Record the date, time, place and any noticeable non-verbal behaviour and the words used by the child
  • Draw a diagram to indicate the position of any injuries
  • Record statements and observations rather than interpretations or assumptions
  • All records need to be given to the Designated Senior Person promptly. The member of staff or volunteer should retain no copies.

Allegations involving staff/volunteers

An allegation is any information which indicates that a member of staff/volunteer may have:

  • Behaved in a way that has, or may have harmed a child
  • Possibly committed a criminal offence against/related to a child
  • Behaved toward a child in a way which indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children
  • This applies to any child the member of staff/volunteer has contact with in the personal, professional or community life.
  • The person to whom an allegation is first reported should take the matter seriously and keep an open mind.
  • S/he should not investigate or ask leading questions if seeking clarification, it is important not to make assumptions.
  • Confidentiality should not be promised and the person should be advised that the concern will be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis only.
  • Actions to be taken include making a written record of the allegation using the informant’s words – including time, date and place where the alleged incident took place, what was said and anyone else present.
  • This record should be signed and dated and immediately passed on to Edge Sports and Activities Ltd
  • The recipient of an allegation must not unilaterally determine its validity, and failure to report it in accordance with procedures is a potential disciplinary matter.

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd management will not investigate the allegation itself, or take written or detailed statements, but will assess whether it is necessary to refer the concern to the Local Authority.

  • If it is decided that the allegation meets the threshold for further action through the Inter-agency Child Protection and Safeguarding Children Procedures, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd management must immediately make a referral to the Local Authority.
  • If it is decided that the allegation does not meet the threshold for referral to the Local Authority, then Edge Sports and Activities Ltd management and Local Authority Designated Officer will consider the appropriate course of action, e.g. joint evaluation meeting, internal investigation.
  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd management should, as soon as possible, following briefing from the Local Authority Designated Officer inform the subject of the allegation.

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd aims to work in partnership with parents/carers to deliver a high quality service for everyone. If for any reason we fall short of this goal, we would like to be informed in order to amend our practices for the future. Our complaints policy will be available online at all times. Records of all complaints will be retained for a period of at least three years. A summary of complaints is available for parents on request.

The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will generally be responsible for dealing with complaints. If the complaint is about the co-ordinator, the registered person or other senior member of staff will investigate the matter. Any complaints received about staff members will be recorded on an Incident log and a Complaints log will be completed. Any complaints made will be dealt with in the following manner:

Stage one
Complaints about aspects of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd activities:
• The manager will discuss the matter informally with the parent or carer concerned and aim to reach a satisfactory resolution.

Complaints about an individual staff member:
• If appropriate the parent will be encouraged to discuss the matter with staff concerned
• If the parent feels that this is not appropriate, the matter will be discussed with the manager, who will then discuss the complaint with the staff member and try to reach a satisfactory resolution.

Stage two
If it is not possible to reach a satisfactory resolution to the complaint through informal discussion, the parent or carer should put their complaint in writing to the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator. They will then:
• Acknowledge receipt of the letter within 7 days.
• Investigate the matter and notify the complainant of the outcome within 28 days.
• Send a full response in writing, to all relevant parties, including details of any recommended changes to be made to the company’s practices or policies as a result of the complaint.
• Meet relevant parties to discuss the company’s response to the complaint, either together or on an individual basis.

If child protection issues are raised, the manager will refer the situation to the Club’s Child Protection Officer, who will then contact Social Care and follow the procedures of the Child Protection Policy. If a criminal act may have been committed, the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will contact the police.

Making a complaint to Ofsted

Any parent or carer can submit a complaint to Ofsted about Edge Sports and Activities Ltd at any time. Ofsted will consider and investigate all complaints. Ofsted’s address is: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD

0300 123 1231 (general enquiries) 0300 123 4666 (complaints)

Please see our Privacy Policy

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd respect the privacy of the children attending the sports course(s)/activity club(s) and the privacy of their parents or carers. Our aim is to ensure that all those using and working at Edge Sports and Activities Ltd can do so with confidence. We will respect confidentiality in the following ways:

  • Parents can ask to see the records relating to their child, but will not have access to information about any other children.
  • Staff only discuss individual children for purposes of planning and group management
  • Staff are made aware of the importance of confidentiality during their induction process
  • Concerns or evidence relating to a child’s safety will be kept in a confidential file and will not be shared within the company, except with the designated Child Protection Officer and the co-ordinator.
  • Issues relating to the employment of staff, whether paid or voluntary, will remain confidential to those making personnel decisions.
  • Confidential records are stored securely in a lockable file.
  • Students on work placements are informed of our confidentiality policy and are required to respect it.


Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will make every effort to keep the sports course(s)/activity club(s) open, but in exceptional circumstances, we may need to close at short notice.


The following are possible reasons for emergency closure:

  • Serious weather conditions
  • Heating system failure
  • Burst water pipes
  • Fire or bomb scare/explosion
  • Death of a member of staff or child
  • Assault on a staff member or child
  • Serious accident or illness


In the event of an emergency our primary concern will be to ensure that both children and staff are kept safe. If it is necessary to evacuate the sports course(s)/activity club(s), the following steps will be taken:

  • If appropriate the manager or session supervisor will contact the emergency services.
  • All children will be escorted from the building to the assembly point using the nearest safe exit.
  • No attempt will be made to collect personal belongings, or to re-enter the building after evacuation.
  • A nominated member of staff will check the premises and will collect the register (including emergency contact details) providing that this does not put anyone at risk.
  • Before leaving the building the designated person will close all accessible doors and windows, if it is safe to do so.
  • The register will be taken and all children and staff accounted for.
  • If any person is missing from the register, the emergency services will be informed immediately.
  • The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will contact parents to collect their children. If the register is not available, the manager will use the emergency contacts list (which is kept off site).
  • All children will be supervised until they are safely collected.
  • If after every attempt, a child’s parent or carers cannot be contacted, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will follow its Uncollected Child procedure.

At Edge Sports and Activities Ltd we will ensure that we provide a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for everyone in our community including children with additional needs.


To achieve the company’s objective of creating an environment free from discrimination and welcoming to all, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will:

  • Respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping.
  • Not discriminate against children on the grounds of disability, sexual orientation, class or family status.
  • Help all children to celebrate and express their cultural and religious identity by providing a wide range of appropriate resources and activities.
  • Strive to ensure that children feel good about themselves and others, by celebrating the differences which make us all unique individuals.
  • Ensure that its services are available to all parents/carers and children in the local community.
  • Ensure that the Club’s recruitment policies and procedures are open, fair and non-discriminatory.
  • Work to fulfil all the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
  • We will monitor and review the effectiveness of our inclusive practice by conducting an Inclusion Audit on an annual basis.


Challenging inappropriate attitudes and practices


We will challenge inappropriate attitudes and practices by engaging children and adults in discussion, by displaying positive images of race and disability, and through our staff modelling anti-discriminatory behaviour at all times.


Racial harassment


Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will not tolerate any form of racial harassment. The company will challenge racist and discriminatory remarks, attitudes and behaviour from the children at all sports course(s)/activity club(s), from staff and from any other adults on the premises (e.g. parents/carers collecting children).


Equal Opportunities Named Coordinator


Edge Sports and Activities Ltd Equal Opportunities Named Coordinator (ENCO) is Andy Cooper. The ENCO is responsible for ensuring that:

  • Staff receive relevant and appropriate training
  • The Equalities policy is consistent with current legislation and guidance
  • Appropriate action is taken wherever discriminatory behaviour, language or attitudes occur.


Children with additional needs

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd recognises that some children have additional needs or physical disabilities that require particular support and assistance. We will assess the individual needs of each child in consultation with their parents prior to their attending the Club, and will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children can access our services and are made to feel welcome. Where one-to-one support is required we will assist parents in accessing the funding required to provide the additional care.




Special Educational Needs Coordinator

The company’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is TBC. The SENCO will:

  • Manage the provision for children with special educational needs or physical disabilities.
  • Be fully trained and experienced in the care and assessment of such children.


All members of staff will assist the SENCO in caring for children with additional needs or physical disabilities.

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd Club considers health and safety to be of utmost importance. We comply with The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 at all times.


The company has appropriate insurance cover, including employer’s liability insurance and public liability insurance.


Each member of staff follows Edge Sports and Activities Ltd Health and Safety policy and is responsible for:

  • Maintaining a safe environment
  • Taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others attending the sports course(s)/activity club(s)
  • Reporting all accidents and incidents which have caused injury or damage or may do so in the future
  • Undertaking relevant health and safety training when required to do so by the management.


Any member of staff who disregards safety instructions or recognised safe practices will be subject to disciplinary procedures.


Responsibilities of the registered person

The registered person for the setting holds ultimate responsibility and liability for the safe operation of the sports course(s)/activity club(s). The registered person will ensure that:


  • The sports course(s)/activity club(s) designated health and safety officer is Andy Cooper
  • All staff receive information on health and safety matters, and receive training where necessary
  • The Health and Safety policy and procedures are reviewed regularly
  • Staff understand and follow health and safety procedures
  • Resources are provided to meet Edge Sports and Activities Ltd health and safety responsibilities
  • All accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences are properly reported and recorded. This includes informing Ofsted, child protection agencies and the Health and Safety Executive under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995) where appropriate.
  • All reported accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences are reviewed, so that preventative measures can be taken.


Responsibilities of the management/co-ordinator

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd management is responsible for ensuring that at each session:

  • Premises are clean, well lit, adequately ventilated and maintained at an appropriate temperature
  • The premises are used by and solely available to the company during opening hours
  • All the company’s equipment is safely and securely stored
  • Children are only allowed in the kitchen if properly supervised (e.g. for a cooking activity)
  • A working telephone is available on the premises at all times
  • Chemicals and cleaning materials are stored appropriately, and in accordance with CoSSH data sheets
  • External pathways are cleared in severe weather
  • Daily environment checks are carried out in accordance with our Risk Assessment policy.



Children are not allowed to leave the sports course(s)/activity club(s)premises during the session unless prior permission has been given by the parents (for example, to attend other extra-curricular activities). During sessions all


external doors are kept locked, with the exception of fire doors which are alarmed. Staff will monitor the entrances and exits to the premises throughout the session. All visitors must sign the Visitor Log and give the reason for their visit. Visitors will never be left alone with the children. If a visitor has no reason to be on the premises we will escort them from the premises. If the visitor refuses to leave, we will call the police. In such an event an Incident Record will be completed and the manager will be immediately notified. Security procedures will be regularly reviewed by the management, in consultation with staff and parents.


Activity toys and equipment

All furniture, toys and equipment are kept clean, well maintained and in good repair. We select toys, equipment and resources with care, and we carry out risk assessments before the children are allowed to use them. Broken toys and equipment are disposed of promptly. We ensure that any flammable equipment is stored safely.


Food and personal hygiene

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd staff maintain high standards of personal hygiene, and take all practicable steps to prevent and control the spread of infection.

  • A generally clean environment is maintained at all times.
  • Toilets are cleaned daily and soap and hand drying facilities are always available.
  • Waste is disposed of safely and all bins are kept covered.
  • Cuts and abrasions (whether on children or staff) are kept covered.


Dealing with body fluids

Spillages of blood, vomit, urine and faeces will be cleaned up immediately in accordance with our Intimate Care policy.


Staffing levels

Staff ratios and levels of supervision are always appropriate to the number, ages and abilities of the children present, and to the risks associated with the activities being undertaken. A minimum of two members of staff are on duty at any time.

At Edge Sports and Activities Ltd we will deal promptly and effectively with any illnesses or injuries that occur while children are in our care. We take all practical steps to keep staff and children safe.


All parents or carers must complete the Medical Form when their child joins any of the sports course(s)/activity club(s), requesting permission for emergency medical treatment for their child in the event of a serious accident or illness.


We will record any accidents or illnesses, together with any treatment given, on an Incident Record or Accident Record sheet as appropriate, which the parent or carer will be asked to sign when they collect the child.


Edge Sports and Activities Ltd cannot accept children who are ill. If any children are ill when they first arrive at the sports course(s)/activity club(s) we will immediately notify their parents or carers to come and collect them. Any children who have been ill should not return until they have fully recovered, or until after the minimum exclusion period has expired (see table at the end of this policy).


First aid

The designated First Aider is Andy Cooper. The designated First Aider has a current first aid. To ensure that there is a qualified first aider present at every session of the sports course(s)/activity club(s), other members of staff will also receive first aid training.


The location of the first aid box and a list of qualified first aiders are clearly displayed for everyone see. The designated First Aider regularly checks the contents of the first aid box to ensure that they are up to date, appropriate for children and comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.


The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will ensure that a first aid kit is taken on all outings and that at least one member of staff on the outing holds a current paediatric first aid certificate.


Procedure for a minor injury or illness

The first aider at the session will decide upon the appropriate action to take if a child becomes ill or suffers a minor injury.

  • If a child becomes ill during a session, the parent or carer will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible. The child will be kept comfortable and will be closely supervised while awaiting collection.
  • If a child complains of illness which does not impair their overall wellbeing, the child will be monitored for the rest of the session and the parent or carer will be notified when the child is collected.
  • If a child suffers a minor injury, first aid will be administered and the child will be monitored for the remainder of the session. If necessary, the child’s parent will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible.


Procedure for a major injury or serious illness

In the event of a child becoming seriously ill or suffering a major injury, the first aider at the session will decide whether the child needs to go straight to hospital or whether it is safe to wait for their parent or carer to arrive.

  • If the child needs to go straight to hospital, we will call an ambulance and a member of staff will go to the hospital with the child. The staff member will take the child’s Medical Form with them and will consent to any necessary treatment (as approved by the parents on the Medical Form).
  • We will contact the child’s parents or carers with all urgency, and if they are unavailable we will call the other emergency contacts that we have on file for the child.




  • After a major incident the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator and staff will review the events and consider whether any changes need to be made to the company’s policies or procedures.
  • We will notify Ofsted and child protection agencies in the event of any serious accident or injury to a child in our care as soon as reasonably possible and within 14 days at the latest.
  • We will notify HSE under RIDDOR in the case of a death or major injury on the premises (eg broken limb, amputation, dislocation, etc – see the HSE website for a full list of reportable injuries).


Communicable diseases and conditions

If a case of head lice is found at any sports course(s)/activity club(s), the child’s parents or carers will be discreetly informed when they collect the child. Other parents will be warned to check their own children for head lice, but care will be taken not to identify the child affected. If an infectious or communicable disease is detected on the premises, we will inform parents and carers as soon as possible. If there is an incident of food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after at the any sports course(s)/activity club(s) the co-ordinator will inform Ofsted as soon as possible and within 14 days at the latest. If there is an outbreak of a notifiable disease, we will inform the local health protection unit, HSE under RIDDOR (if appropriate), and Ofsted.


Useful contacts

Health Protection Unit: 0845 8942944

Ofsted: 0300 123 1231

RIDDOR Incident Contact Unit: 0845 300 99 23


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Accident or injury [3.48-3.49] and Food and drink [3.47]



Minimum exclusion periods for infectious conditions and diseases


Disease/Condition Exclusion period
Chicken Pox 5 days from first appearance of rash
Cold Sores None Avoid contact with sores
Conjunctivitis 24 hours or until the discharge from eyes has stopped
Diphtheria* Until certified well by doctor
Diarrhoea and Vomiting 48 hours after symptoms cleared
Glandular Fever Until fully recovered
Gastro-enteritis, E. Coli, Food Poisoning,

Salmonella and Dysentery

Until certified well by doctor


Hand, Foot and Mouth disease While rash and ulcers are present
Hepatitis A* Until certified well
Hepatitis B* and C* None
High temperature 24 hours
Impetigo Until the skin has healed
Influenza Until recovered
Measles* 5 days from onset of rash
Meningitis* Until recovered
Molluscum Contagiosum None
Mumps* 5 days from onset of swollen glands
Pediculosis (lice) Until treatment has been given
Pertussis* (Whooping cough) 21 days from the onset or 5 days from commencing antibiotic treatment
Poliomyelitis Until certified well by doctor
Ringworm of scalp Until cured
Ringworm of the body Until treatment has been given
Rubella* (German Measles) 5 days from onset of rash
Scabies Until treatment has been given
Scarlet fever* 5 days from start of the treatment
Slapped Check, Fifth Disease None
Streptococcal infection of the throat 3 days from the start of the treatment
Threadworms None
Tonsillitis None
Tuberculosis* Until certified well by doctor
Typhoid*, Paratyphoid* Until certified well by doctor
Warts (including Verruca) None. Verruca sufferers should keep feet covered


* Denotes a notifiable disease.


If in any doubt contact local health services for further information.

In intimate care situations, the child’s safety, dignity and privacy are of paramount importance. Children requiring intimate care will be treated respectfully at all times.


‘Intimate care’ covers any task that involves the washing, touching or carrying out a procedure to intimate personal areas and is associated with bodily functions and personal hygiene, including, toileting, washing, dressing, and menstrual care.


Staff at Edge Sports and Activities Ltd who provide intimate care will do so in a professional manner. Staff are aware of safeguarding issues and will have relevant training (eg: health and safety, child protection, manual handling) before providing intimate care. No child should suffer distress or pain as a result of receiving intimate care. Staff will work in partnership with parents or carers to provide care appropriate to the needs of the individual child and together will produce a care plan. The care plan will set out:


  • What care is required
  • Number of staff needed to carry out the task (if more than one person is required, reasons will be documented)
  • Additional equipment required
  • Child’s preferred means of communication (eg verbal, visual)
  • Child’s level of ability – what tasks they are able to carry out by themselves


Best practice

When intimate care is given, the member of staff will explain fully each task that is carried out, and the reasons for it. Staff will encourage children to do as much for themselves as they can.


If a child requires intimate care on a regular basis, it is a good idea for two members of staff to share the care between them. In this way the child should not become overly dependent on a single member of staff, and is less likely to become distressed if their usual carer is occasionally unavailable. However, parents’ views on the number of staff providing personal care to their child must also be taken into consideration – some children may simply be unable to cope with more than one carer.


We have policies in place that promote safe recruitment, as well as having sound staff supervision, safeguarding and intimate care procedures; together these ensure that should a child need consistent care from one member of staff, the child’s safety and well-being will not be compromised.


Protecting children

Staff are familiar with the Local Safeguarding Children Board booklet ‘Recognising The Signs Of Child Abuse’ and with the DfE booklet ‘What To Do If You Think A Child Is Being Abused’, and will follow the guidance in they contain.


If a member of staff is concerned about any physical changes to a child, such as marks, bruises, soreness etc, they will inform the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator or designated CPO (child protection officer) immediately. The Safeguarding Children policy will then be implemented.


Should a child become unhappy about being cared for by a particular member of staff, the manager will look into the situation and record any findings. These will be discussed with the child’s parents or carers in order to resolve the problem. If necessary the manager will seek advice from outside agencies.


If a child makes an allegation against a member of staff, the procedure set out in the Safeguarding Children policy will be followed.


Dealing with blood and body fluids

Blood, vomit, urine and faeces will be cleaned up immediately and disposed of safely by double bagging the waste and removing it from the premises. When they are dealing with body fluids, staff will wear personal protective clothing




(disposable plastic gloves and aprons) and will wash themselves thoroughly afterwards. Soiled children’s clothing will be bagged to go home – staff will not rinse it. Children will be kept away from the affected area until the incident has been dealt with fully. Staff at Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will maintain high standards of personal hygiene, and will take all practicable steps to prevent and control the spread of infection.


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Equal opportunities [3.66] and Child protection [3.6]

At Edge Sports and Activities Ltd we recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that every child is happy, healthy and safe whilst in our care.


We therefore aim to keep parents and carers fully informed of policies, events and activities, by sharing information with them, answering questions and addressing any concerns.


We do our best to keep parents informed by:


  • Inviting parents to visit the before their children start.
  • Making all of our policies available for parents to consult whenever they like.
  • Producing a regular newsletter to keep parents up to date with news, events, new staff, changes to fees, etc
  • Providing translations of our key policies and documents for parents who are non-English speakers, where possible.


We actively welcome parents and invite their input into the Club in the following ways:


  • We collect information from parents which will help their child to settle at the course/club (via the Registration and Medical forms)
  • We involve parents in settling their children in (in accordance with our Child Induction policy).
  • We consult fully with parents to establish the care requirements for children with additional needs.
  • We greet all parents when they arrive to collect their children, and exchange any relevant information (eg any accidents, participation in today’s activities, etc).
  • We can be contacted at all times, even out of hours, via telephone and email.
  • We conduct an annual satisfaction survey of parents and children to gain regular feedback.
  • All of our staff wear name badges so that children and parents can easily identify them.
  • We always seek and obtain parental permission for outings, photographs, applying sun cream, etc.
  • We can arrange for parental discussions with staff outside of hours if necessary.
  • We respect parents’ input and opinions by responding promptly and appropriately to any complaints, in line with our Complaints


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012):

Learning and Development Requirements [1.1, 1.3]; Areas of Learning and Development [1.11];

Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements [3.26]

At Edge Sports and Activities Ltd we are always alert to the possibility that children can go missing during sessions. To minimise the risk of this happening staff will carry out periodic head counts, particularly when transporting children between locations (eg walking from different activity locations).

If a child cannot be located, the following steps will be taken:

  • All staff will be informed that the child is missing.
  • Staff will conduct a thorough search of the premises and surrounding area.
  • After 10 minutes the police will be informed. The manager will then contact the child’s parents or carers.
  • Staff will continue to search for child whilst waiting for the police and parents to arrive.
  • We will maintain as normal a routine as possible for the rest of the children at the sports course(s)/activity club(s).
  • The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will liaise with the police and the child’s parent or carer.


The incident will be recorded in the Incident Log. A review will be conducted regarding this and any other related incidents along with relevant policies and procedures. We will identify and implement any changes as necessary. If the police or Social Care were involved in the incident, we will also inform Ofsted.



Useful numbers

Police:                    999

Social Care:          01243 642555

Ofsted:                    0300 123 1231

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd fosters a ‘culture of safety’ in which the children and staff are protected from abuse, harm, and distress. We therefore have a clear policy on the acceptable use of mobile phones that is understood and adhered to by everyone: staff, children and parents. Abiding by the terms of the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator mobile phone policy ensures that we all:


  • Protect children from harm and abuse
  • Prevent staff from being subject to false allegations
  • Help staff remain focused on the care of children
  • Work in an open and transparent environment.


Staff use of mobile phones


Personal mobile phones belonging to members of staff are kept in reception during working hours. If a member of staff needs to make an urgent personal call they can use the club phone or make a personal call from their mobile in the reception. If a member of staff has a family emergency or similar and needs to keep their mobile phone to hand, prior permission must be sought from the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator.


Children’s use of mobile phones


Whilst we understand that some children have mobile phones, we actively discourage them from using their phones within the club.


Edge Sports and Activities Ltd does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to mobile phones brought to the club by the children.

Children must not use their mobile phone to take photographs of any kind whilst at the club. If they want a photograph of a particular activity they can ask a member of staff to take one using the company camera.


Visitors’ use of mobile phones


Parents and all other visitors must not use their mobile phone – or any other device – to take photographs within the club. This includes taking photographs of their own children. If they want to have a photograph of their child involved in an activity or at play, parents can ask a member of staff to take one using the company camera.


Related policies

See also: Safeguarding Children policy.

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd uses its risk assessment systems to ensure that the sports and activities run by the company are safe and a secure place for children and staff. All staff is expected to undertake risk assessments as part of their routine tasks.


In line with current health and safety legislation and the EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements 2012, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will carry out regular risk assessments and take appropriate action to deal with any hazards or risks identified. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that risk assessments are conducted, monitored and acted upon.


Risk assessments will be carried out:

  • whenever there is any change to equipment or resources
  • when there is any change to the sports course(s)/activity club(s)premises
  • when the particular needs of a child necessitates this.


Note that not all risk assessments need to be written down. Staff will decide, in consultation with the management, which risk assessments need to be formally recorded. If changes are required to Edge Sports and Activities Ltd policies or procedures as a result of the risk assessment, the management will ensure that the relevant documents are updated and that all staff are informed.


Daily checks

We will carry out a visual inspection of the equipment and the whole premises (indoors and out) daily, before any children arrive. During the course of the sports course(s)/activity club(s), staff will remain alert to any potential risks to health and safety. If a member of staff discovers a hazard during the sports course(s)/activity club(s), they will make the area safe (eg by cordoning it off) and then notify the co-ordinator. The co-ordinator will ensure that any actions needed to mitigate the immediate hazard have been taken and will implement measures to prevent the incident from recurring.


Recording dangerous events

The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will record all accidents and dangerous events on the Incident or Accident Record sheets as soon as possible after the incident. If the incident affected a child the record will be kept on the child’s file. The company will monitor Incident and Accident Records to see whether any pattern to the occurrences can be identified.


Related policies

See our related policies: Fire Safety and Risk Assessment, Health and Safety, and Manual Handling.


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment [3.63]

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd uses safe recruitment practices to ensure that all people working with the children in our care are safe and qualified to do so. When recruiting paid staff or volunteers we will follow the procedures set out below.


Advertising the vacancy

We will advertise all vacancies and any job advertisements will include a statement about our commitment to safeguarding children.


Initial enquiry

Upon enquiring about a vacancy, we will send potential candidates:

  • a job description
  • a person specification
  • an application form
  • a copy of our Safeguarding Children policy.


The application form includes:

  • instructions that the application form must be completed by hand
  • a declaration that all information is correct
  • a section under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act that asks if the applicant has been awaiting a verdict, convicted, or cautioned or received a court order or warning for any offence that may affect their suitability for working with children
  • a request for the contact details of two referees one of which should be the last employer (if this is the candidate’s first job, their course tutor is a suitable alternative)


Interview procedure

We will notify all candidates selected for interview by email. All candidates will be asked to bring to the following items to the inteview:

  • proof of identity, eg passport, driving licence or birth certificate
  • proof of address, eg recent utility bill (not mobile phone) or bank statement
  • proof of qualifications, ie the relevant certificates
  • for non-British nationals, proof of the right to work in the UK (as required by the Asylum and Immigration Act)


The interview will be conducted by Andy Cooper. All candidates will be asked the same set of questions. We will then ask additional questions about any other issues that arise from their application. For example, the interviewers will follow up on any gaps in the candidate’s employment history rigorously and ensure that they are satisfied with the explanation given, undertaking additional checks if necessary.


Appointing a new member of staff

When we have selected the successful candidate, we will



  • send him or her a written offer, which will clearly state that it is subject to the receipt of suitable references and full sight of a satisfactory enhanced DBS certificate

contact both referees for a reference, including asking them if they have any child protection concerns about the candidate.

  • initiate an enhanced DBS check for the candidate, or if the candidate is subscribed to the DBS Update Service, review their current DBS certificate and check their status online.


We will also take photocopies of the new member of staff’s qualification certificates and proof of identity and keep these on file.


When a new member of staff starts work at Edge Sports and Activities Ltd we will give him or her:

  • our terms and conditions, and get them to sign their contract; a copy of their contract will be kept on file
  • all our company policies, and ensure that they sign a policy confirmation form to confirm that they have read and understood them; the signed form will be kept on file.


We will conduct a full induction and orientation programme with all new members of staff as set out in our Staff Induction policy.


DBS checks

We will obtain enhanced DBS disclosures for all staff, students and volunteers who will work unsupervised with the children on a regular basis, or who have access to children’s information. If candidates have subscribed to the DBS Update Service we will carefully review their current DBS certificate and then check their status online. If there has been a change in their status since their last DBS certificate was issued we will obtain a new DBS disclosure for them.


New staff will only be allowed to work unsupervised with children when we have had full sight of a satisfactory DBS certificate for them.


If we decide to allow a new member of staff to begin work pending the completion of their DBS check, we will complete a written risk assessment first and they will not be allowed unsupervised access to the children until we have seen and reviewed their DBS certificate. When we appoint a member of staff we will keep a record of the date and number of their DBS disclosure on our Central DBS Record. We will update the DBS checks for all staff every 3 years.



The Club will not employ staff or volunteers who have been convicted of an offence or have been subject to an order that disqualifies them from registration under regulations made under section 75 of the Childcare Act 2006. If a member of staff becomes disqualified we will terminate their employment.


Immigration status

The management is aware of Asylum and Immigration Act requirements and will check the ability of all new starters to work in the UK. Candidates are expected to provide documents confirming their status, usually a driving licence, passport, and NI number.


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Suitable people [3.9-3.16]; Staff qualifications, training, support and skills [3.21-3.25]


Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises of any Edge Sports and Activities venue, including outside play areas. This rule applies to everyone including staff, people collecting children or any other visitors.


If we discover that a child has cigarettes in their possession while at the activity/course, we will confiscate the cigarettes and notify their parent or carer at the end of the session.



Anyone who arrives at the Club clearly under the influence of alcohol will be asked to leave immediately. If they are a member of staff, disciplinary procedures will follow.


If we discover that a child has alcohol in their possession while at the Club, we will confiscate it and notify their parent or carer at the end of the session.


Staff are asked not to bring alcohol onto the Club’s premises.



Anyone who arrives clearly under the influence of illegal drugs will be asked to leave immediately. If they are a member of staff, serious disciplinary procedures will follow.


If we discover that a child has illegal drugs in their possession while at the activity/course, we will inform their parent or carer.


If a member of staff is taking prescription drugs that may affect their ability to function effectively, they must inform the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator as soon as possible and seek medical advice. The co-ordinator will then complete a risk assessment. Staff medication on the premises will be stored securely and out of reach of children at all times.


Safeguarding children


All members of staff have a duty to inform the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator and the designated Child Protection Officer (CPO) if they believe that a parent or carer is a threat to the safety of a child due their being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs when they drop off or collect their child. The Co-ordinator and CPO will decide upon the appropriate course of action.


If a parent or carer is clearly over the alcohol limit, or under the influence of illegal drugs, staff will do their utmost to prevent the child from travelling in a vehicle driven by them. If necessary the police should be called.

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd aims to have a team of well-motivated, highly skilled and professional staff. However, should the behaviour or performance of a member of staff fall below the high standards that we expect we will follow the procedure set out below.


Staff will not be dismissed for a first breach of discipline except in the case of gross misconduct.


Staff will have the right to appeal at all stages of the procedure and this will be confirmed within the warning or dismissal letter. The member of staff will have the opportunity to ask questions and answer allegations, and has the right to be accompanied by a colleague or union representative.


Minor offences

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd management will try to resolve the matter by informal discussions with the member of staff. If this does not resolve the problem, the formal disciplinary procedure will be followed.


Stage 1: Formal verbal warning

The manager will give the member of staff a formal verbal warning, which must include:

  • the reason for the warning
  • that this is the first stage of the disciplinary procedure
  • an explanation of their right to appeal.


A note of the warning will be kept on the staff member’s personnel file, but it will be disregarded after six months if their performance or conduct is satisfactory.


Stage 2: First written warning

If the offence is a serious one, or if there is no improvement, the manager will give the member of staff a written warning that must:

  • give details of the complaint
  • warn that a final written warning will follow if there is no improvement in their conduct or behaviour, or if there is a further breach of Club rules
  • explain their right to appeal.


A copy of the written warning will be kept on their personnel file but will be disregarded after 12 months if their performance or conduct is satisfactory.


Stage 3:Final written warning

If there is still no improvement in the staff member’s performance, the manager will give them a final written warning which:

  • gives details of the complaint
  • warns that dismissal will result if there is no satisfactory improvement
  • explains their right to appeal.


A copy of the final written warning will be kept on file, but will be disregarded after 12 months if the performance or conduct of the member of staff remains satisfactory.


Stage 4: Dismissal

If, during the period of the final written warning, there is a further breach of rules, or if the member of staff’s performance has still not improved, dismissal will normally result. The manager will give the member of staff written reasons for the dismissal, the date on which their employment ends and information about their right to appeal.

Gross misconduct

Staff will be dismissed without notice if they are found to have committed an act of gross misconduct. Examples of

Gross misconduct include:

  • Child abuse
  • Failing to comply with health and safety requirements
  • Physical violence
  • Persistent bullying, sexual or racial harassment
  • Being unfit for work through alcohol or illegal drug use
  • Theft, fraud or falsification of documents
  • Being an unfit person under the terms of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Section 75 of the Childcare Act 2006) or the Children’s Act 1989.


The manager will investigate the alleged incident thoroughly before any decision to dismiss is made.



A member of staff wishing to appeal against a disciplinary decision must do so in writing and within five working days of being informed of the decision. A meeting to hear the appeal will be set up no more than ten working days later. If possible, the registered person, or a member of the management committee or a senior member of staff who was not involved in the original disciplinary action, will hear the appeal and make an impartial and final decision.


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Suitable people [3.9-3.13] and Disqualification [3.14] and Staff qualifications, training, support and skills [3.20].

Each new member of staff at Edge Sports and Activities Ltd receives a copy of all the company’s policies and procedures. Within the first month of their employment, their co-ordinator will discuss the practical implications of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd policies and procedures with them. The new staff member will sign the

Policy Confirmation Slip to confirm that they have read and understood the company’s policies.


All new staff will receive induction training that will include:

  • Introduction to their colleagues, children and parents or carers
  • Tour of the premises including: identification of all fire exits, location of first aid kit and fire safety equipment, and information about the emergency evacuation procedures; outside play areas, fire assembly points, collection points at the school, route from the school to the sports course(s)/activity club(s) venue, and identification of any known hazards
  • Thorough briefing about the company’s safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures and about our Equal Opportunities policy.
  • Location of company records and documentation, storage, toilets etc.
  • Overview of all aspects of the day-to-day management and running of the company.
  • Explanation of the company’s obligation to comply with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
  • Explanation of the processes for appraisals, training and development, booking holidays, sickness absence, staffing rota, etc.

Development and training

To ensure that staff development needs are being met, and that staff training and qualifications are meeting the requirements of the Club and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, we provide all our staff with:

  • A thorough induction process
  • A system of regular appraisals and reviews
  • Opportunities for training and professional development.


We also keep an up to date record of staff qualifications and maintain a training development plan.


Appraisals and reviews

The manager will hold an annual appraisal meeting with individual staff. The appraisal will reflect on progress and challenges over the previous year and identify current knowledge and skills, areas for future development and potential training needs. The manager will hold quarterly reviews with staff to monitor their professional development and their progress with regards to the targets set, and issues raised, during their annual appraisals.



The manager will identify and promote suitable training courses for staff so that they can expand their professional development and keep their knowledge of childcare and playwork issues up to date. Staff and volunteers are expected to attend training courses as and when requested by their co-ordinator.


Staff meetings

Staff meetings provide a forum in which staff can share information, solve problems and raise work issues.


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Qualifications, training, support and skills [3.18-3.20 and 3.22].

Edge Sports and Activities Ltd endeavours to ensure that either their parent or carer collects their child, at the end of each session. If a child is not collected, and the parent or carer has not notified us that they will be delayed, we will follow the procedure set out below:


Up to 15 minutes late

  • When the parent or carer arrives they will be reminded that they must call Edge Sports and Activities Ltd to notify us if they are delayed.
  • The parent or carer will be informed that penalty fees will have to be charged (unless the delay was genuinely unavoidable).


Over 15 minutes late

  • If a parent or carer is more than 15 minutes late in collecting their child, the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will try to contact them using the contact details on file.
  • If there is no response from the parent or carer, messages will be left requesting that they contact Edge Sports and Activities Ltd The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will then try to contact the emergency contacts listed on the child’s registration form.
  • While waiting to be collected, the child will be supervised by at least two members of staff.
  • When the parent or carer arrives they will be reminded that they must call Edge Sports and Activities Ltd to notify us if they are delayed, and that penalty fees will have to be charged (except in exceptional circumstances).


Over 30 minutes late

  • If the sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator has been unable to contact the child’s parents or carers after 30 minutes, the co-ordinator will contact the local Social Care team for advice.
  • The child will remain in the care of two of the course(s)/activity club staff, on the premises if possible, until collected by the parent or carer, or until placed in the care of the Social Care team.
  • If it is not possible for the child to remain at the premises, a note will be left on the door of the venue informing the child’s parent or carer where the child has been taken (eg to the home of a staff member or into the care of a safeguarding agency) and leaving a contact number. A further message will be left on the parent or carer’s telephone explaining events.


Managing persistent lateness

The sports course(s)/activity club(s) co-ordinator will record incidents of late collection and will discuss them with the child’s parents or carers. Parents and carers will be reminded that if they persistently collect their child late they may lose their place on the specific sports course(s)/activity club(s).


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2012): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information for parents and carers [3.72].





  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd operate within legal requirements and regulations and expects all employees to co-operate in this by adhering to all laws, regulations, policies and procedures. Any employee becoming aware of another employee acting inappropriately is obliged and encouraged to report this activity.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd is committed to the values of accountability, but the determined perpetrator may find a way round systems and procedures. It is therefore necessary for all managers and staff to be aware of what is required in the event of suspicions. This document sets out the procedure for employees who wish to notify any suspicions and also how Edge Sports and Activities Ltd should respond.



  • To encourage employees to feel confident in raising serious concerns, to question and act upon their concerns about practice.


  • To provide them with a method of raising concerns and receive feedback on how this is being followed up.


  • To ensure employees receive a response to their concerns and they are aware of how to pursue them if they are not satisfied.


  • To reassure employees that they will be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation if they have reasonable belief that they have made any disclosure in good faith.




  • This policy applies to all employees and applies equally to those designated as casual, temporary, agency authorised volunteers or work experience.


  • It also covers suppliers and those providing services under a contract with Edge Sports and Activities Ltd.


  • The grievance procedure is in place to enable employees to lodge a concern relating to their employment. The Whistle Blowing Policy is intended to cover major concerns that fall outside the scope of other procedures.


These include:


  • Conduct which is an offence or a breach of law
  • Disclosures related to miscarriages of justice
  • Dangerous procedures or practice risking Health and Safety, including risks to the public as well as other employees
  • Damage to the environment
  • Dangerous Practices
  • The unauthorised use of public funds
  • Inappropriate use of the financial procedures or Contract Regulations
  • Fraud or corruption
  • Practice which falls below established standards or practice
  • Action which is contrary to the code of conduct for employees Sexual or physical abuse of course members or others
  • Other unethical conduct


Procedure Description


The following important principles are contained within this policy:


  • It contains the provisions that are required from the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.
  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd are committed to tackling malpractice and employees should know that any matter regarding malpractice and other illegal acts will be dealt with seriously.
  • If a matter results in any disciplinary action, the Disciplinary Procedure will apply.


  • The Whistle Blowing Policy encourages and enables employees to voice their concerns without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage.


  • Employees are often the first to see or suspect something that may be seriously wrong within Edge Sports and Activities Ltd. However they may not express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the authority. They may also fear harassment or victimisation.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will not tolerate any harassment or victimisation and will take appropriate action to protect employees when a concern is raised in good faith.


Maintaining Good Practice


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd are committed to the highest standards of openness, honesty and accountability. In line with that commitment we encourage employees, and others that we deal with, who have serious concerns about any aspect of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd work to come forward and voice those concerns. It is recognised that certain cases will have to proceed on a confidential basis.


  • Expected standards of conduct and practice derive from a variety of sources including:


  • Job descriptions
  • Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
  • Professional standards
  • Legal requirements and guidelines
  • Inspection standards and reports
  • Code of Conduct


  • The above list is not exhaustive, but indicates the framework within which Edge Sports and Activities Ltd deliver its services. Employees should ensure that they are aware of the standards expected of them. If they are in any doubt they should discuss this with their manager or supervisor.


  • The system for maintaining good standards is founded on proper induction, supervision and appraisal, team meetings and briefing sessions, training and development and, where necessary, the positive use of the Disciplinary Procedures


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd recognises that the decision to report a concern can be a difficult one to make. If what employees are saying is true, they should have nothing to fear because they will be doing their duty to their employer and those who are providing a service.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation and will take appropriate action to protect employees when they raise a concern in good faith.



  • Any investigation into allegations of potential malpractice will not influence or be influenced by any disciplinary or redundancy procedures that already affect them.


Promoting Good Practice


There are several ways of promoting good practice as follows:


  • We should lead by example. No one is perfect but it is hard to criticise others if our own practice is slip shod.
  • We should know what the Edge Sports and Activities Ltd policies and procedures expect of us and inform others who do not.
  • We should take the initiative to propose new procedures and amend old procedures.
  • Where employees are in a caring role they should ask for procedures that make it “normal” to express concern about “care” standards.
  • We should ask questions. If a colleague does something strange we should question it. There is no need for aggression but by asking why something is done in a certain way and how it will improve the service will ensure standards are maintained.
  • We should keep up to date, read professional journals, attend seminars (where appropriate) join discussion groups or joint professional groups.
  • We need to talk to fellow professionals to learn from best practice.
  • Cooperate as fully as possible with any investigation into work practices arising from complaints from a service user and share any knowledge or concerns.
  • Know what is happening, read memoranda, emails and newsletters.
  • Do not wait until something becomes a major problem. Act early, if we do not we may be condoning bad working practices.






  • All concerns will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made not to reveal an employee’s identity if that is their wish. However, this cannot be guaranteed, if the matter is considered by an external body, outside of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd control, e.g. legal proceedings.


How to raise a Concern


  • When an employee feels concerned about bad practice he or she will need to identify the issues carefully. An employee must be clear about the standards against which he or she is judging practice:


  • Is it illegal?
  • Does it contravene professional codes of practice?
  • Is it against government guidelines?
  • Is it about one individual’s behaviour or is it about general working practices?
  • Does it contradict what the employee has been taught?
  • Has the employee witnessed the incident? If so he or she should write it down.
  • Did anyone else witness the incident at the same time? If so they should write it down.


  • Who an employee should raise concerns with, depends upon on the seriousness and sensitivity of the issue involved and who is suspected of the malpractice. For example, there may be exceptional occasions when they are concerned about poor or bad care practice by colleagues at work or where they are aware of a colleague acting in a way that is illegal, immoral, or unethical.


  • As a first step, an employee should normally raise concerns with their immediate manager/supervisor. However, if their concern is about their manager they should contact Edge Sports and Activities Ltd


  • If an employee’s concern is about the hierarches, he or she should contact Edge Sports and Activities Ltd


  • Once an employee is certain that bad practice exists the following action should be considered:


  • Concerns may be raised verbally or in writing. Employees who wish to make a written report should give the background and history of the concern and the reason why they are particularly concerned about the situation. The earlier concerns are expressed the easier it is to take action.
  • If the employee wishes he or she may ask for a private confidential meeting with the person to whom he or she wishes to make the complaint.
  • The employee should take to the meeting – if possible – dated and signed written supporting statements from anyone who can confirm the allegations.
  • When making the complaint verbally, the employee should write down any relevant information and date it. Keep copies of all correspondence and relevant information.
  • The employee should ask the person to whom he or she is making the complaint what the next steps will be and if anything more is expected of them.
  • Ask to be informed of the outcome of the investigation into the complaint.


  • Although employees are not expected to prove beyond doubt the truth of an allegation, they will need to demonstrate to the person contacted that there are reasonable grounds for their concern.


  • Employees may ask their trade union or professional association representative to advise them, or be present during any meetings or interviews in connection with the concerns they have raised.


  • Employees will not be victimised, disciplined or disadvantaged in any way for raising genuine concerns. All employees have legal protection under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. This Act protects employees from victimisation by their employer as a result of raising genuine concerns either inside or outside their organisation. However, this does not apply where allegations are found to be malicious or deliberately false. Such behaviour will be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure.


  • Employees also have the right to raise matters of concern under the Grievance Procedure


Anonymous Allegations


  • This policy encourages employees to put their name to any allegation whenever possible.


  • Concerns expressed anonymously are much less powerful but will be considered at the discretion of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd.


  • In exercising its discretion the factors to be taken into account would include:


  • The seriousness of the issues raised
  • The credibility of the concern
  • The likelihood of confirming the allegation from attributable sources.


How Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will respond


  • The individual manager hearing the concern is encouraged to take advice from their Personnel Provider.



  • Do not forget that testing out your concerns is not the same as either accepting or rejecting them.


  • Where appropriate, the matters raised may:


  • Be investigated by management through the disciplinary procedure
  • Be referred to the police
  • Be referred to the external auditor
  • Form the subject of an independent inquiry.


  • In order to protect individuals and those accused of misdeeds or possible malpractice, initial enquiries will be made to decide whether an investigation is appropriate and if so what form it should take. The overriding principle Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will have in mind is the public interest. Concerns or allegations, which fall within the scope of specific procedures (for example, child protection or discrimination issues), will normally be referred for consideration under those procedures.


  • Some concerns may be resolved by agreed action without the need for investigation. If urgent action is required this will be taken before any investigation is conducted.


  • In all cases, when an employee raises a concern Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will assess the nature of the concern to decide the appropriate response.


  • Within ten working days of a concern being raised, the manager hearing the concern will write to the employee, and:


  • Acknowledge the concern has been received
  • Indicate how the matter will be dealt with and who will be involved
  • Where possible, give an estimate of how long it will take to provide a response
  • Tell the employee whether any initial enquiries have been made
  • Check whether he or she needs any personal support
  • Tell the employee whether further investigations will take place and if not why not.


  • The amount of contact between the officers considering the issues and the employee will depend on the nature of the matters raised, the potential difficulties involved and the clarity of the information provided. If necessary, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will seek further information from the employee, as part of the investigation process.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will take steps to minimise any difficulties which employees may experience as a result of raising any concerns. For instance, if they are required to give evidence in criminal or disciplinary proceedings, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will arrange for them to receive support.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd accepts that individuals need to be assured that the matter has been addressed. Thus, subject to legal constraints and the bounds of confidentiality, we will inform them of the outcome of any investigation, and the action that is to be taken against those whose action caused the concern. Also if appropriate, what changes are to be made to monitor procedures to ensure that a similar concern is not raised in the future.








Untrue Allegations


  • If employees make an allegation in good faith, but it is not confirmed by the investigation no action will be taken against them. If however, they make an allegation frivolously, maliciously or for personal gain, disciplinary action may be taken against them. In such cases, the Disciplinary Procedure will apply.


Responsible Officer


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd has the overall responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the Whistle Blowing policy in respect of concerns raised formally outside the management of the company. Edge Sports and Activities Ltd maintain a record of concerns raised and the outcome, but in a form which does not endanger your confidentiality. In respect of concerns raised internally within the company the management will maintain a record of concerns raised and the outcome and will report as necessary.


How matters can be taken further


  • If the employee is not satisfied with the outcome, they may take the matter to the founder of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd if they have not already been involved. Within ten days the company will write to the employee to acknowledge the concern has been received and indicate the steps that will be taken. The company may choose to set up a small group to investigate. The company will then inform the employee of the outcome on the same basis as above.


  • This policy is intended to provide employees with a way to raise concerns within Edge Sports and Activities Ltd. If they are not satisfied and they feel it is right to take the matter outside the company, the employee may also raise the matter with an outside agency if they so desire.


  • If the employee is dissatisfied with the response from Edge Sports and Activities Ltd and subject to the concern being a matter covered by the Act he/she can raise the matter, as appropriate with one of the following:


  • An individual’s local councillor, (if he or she lives within the Council’s boundary)
  • The local citizens advice bureau
  • Relevant professional bodies or regulatory organisations
  • A voluntary organisation
  • Your solicitor
  • The police


  • If employees take their concerns outside of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd, this policy does not apply. They should take advice about their rights and responsibilities. Employees should also make sure that as far as possible the matter is raised without personal information relating to other employees being disclosed.


  • Any employee who unreasonably and without justification raises such issues on a wider basis, such as with the press, without following the steps and advice in this procedure may be liable to disciplinary action.





  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd operate within legal requirements and regulations and expects all employees to co-operate in this by adhering to all laws, regulations, policies and procedures. Any employee becoming aware of another employee acting inappropriately is obliged and encouraged to report this activity.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd is committed to the values of accountability, but the determined perpetrator may find a way round systems and procedures. It is therefore necessary for all managers and staff to be aware of what is required in the event of suspicions. This document sets out the procedure for employees who wish to notify any suspicions and also how Edge Sports and Activities Ltd should respond.



  • To encourage employees to feel confident in raising serious concerns, to question and act upon their concerns about practice.


  • To provide them with a method of raising concerns and receive feedback on how this is being followed up.


  • To ensure employees receive a response to their concerns and they are aware of how to pursue them if they are not satisfied.


  • To reassure employees that they will be protected from possible reprisals or victimisation if they have reasonable belief that they have made any disclosure in good faith.




  • This policy applies to all employees and applies equally to those designated as casual, temporary, agency authorised volunteers or work experience.


  • It also covers suppliers and those providing services under a contract with Edge Sports and Activities Ltd.


  • The grievance procedure is in place to enable employees to lodge a concern relating to their employment. The Whistle Blowing Policy is intended to cover major concerns that fall outside the scope of other procedures.


These include:


  • Conduct which is an offence or a breach of law
  • Disclosures related to miscarriages of justice
  • Dangerous procedures or practice risking Health and Safety, including risks to the public as well as other employees
  • Damage to the environment
  • Dangerous Practices
  • The unauthorised use of public funds
  • Inappropriate use of the financial procedures or Contract Regulations
  • Fraud or corruption
  • Practice which falls below established standards or practice
  • Action which is contrary to the code of conduct for employees Sexual or physical abuse of course members or others
  • Other unethical conduct


Procedure Description


The following important principles are contained within this policy:


  • It contains the provisions that are required from the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.
  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd are committed to tackling malpractice and employees should know that any matter regarding malpractice and other illegal acts will be dealt with seriously.
  • If a matter results in any disciplinary action, the Disciplinary Procedure will apply.


  • The Whistle Blowing Policy encourages and enables employees to voice their concerns without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage.


  • Employees are often the first to see or suspect something that may be seriously wrong within Edge Sports and Activities Ltd. However they may not express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the authority. They may also fear harassment or victimisation.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will not tolerate any harassment or victimisation and will take appropriate action to protect employees when a concern is raised in good faith.


Maintaining Good Practice


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd are committed to the highest standards of openness, honesty and accountability. In line with that commitment we encourage employees, and others that we deal with, who have serious concerns about any aspect of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd work to come forward and voice those concerns. It is recognised that certain cases will have to proceed on a confidential basis.


  • Expected standards of conduct and practice derive from a variety of sources including:


  • Job descriptions
  • Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
  • Professional standards
  • Legal requirements and guidelines
  • Inspection standards and reports
  • Code of Conduct


  • The above list is not exhaustive, but indicates the framework within which Edge Sports and Activities Ltd deliver its services. Employees should ensure that they are aware of the standards expected of them. If they are in any doubt they should discuss this with their manager or supervisor.


  • The system for maintaining good standards is founded on proper induction, supervision and appraisal, team meetings and briefing sessions, training and development and, where necessary, the positive use of the Disciplinary Procedures


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd recognises that the decision to report a concern can be a difficult one to make. If what employees are saying is true, they should have nothing to fear because they will be doing their duty to their employer and those who are providing a service.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation and will take appropriate action to protect employees when they raise a concern in good faith.



  • Any investigation into allegations of potential malpractice will not influence or be influenced by any disciplinary or redundancy procedures that already affect them.


Promoting Good Practice


There are several ways of promoting good practice as follows:


  • We should lead by example. No one is perfect but it is hard to criticise others if our own practice is slip shod.
  • We should know what the Edge Sports and Activities Ltd policies and procedures expect of us and inform others who do not.
  • We should take the initiative to propose new procedures and amend old procedures.
  • Where employees are in a caring role they should ask for procedures that make it “normal” to express concern about “care” standards.
  • We should ask questions. If a colleague does something strange we should question it. There is no need for aggression but by asking why something is done in a certain way and how it will improve the service will ensure standards are maintained.
  • We should keep up to date, read professional journals, attend seminars (where appropriate) join discussion groups or joint professional groups.
  • We need to talk to fellow professionals to learn from best practice.
  • Cooperate as fully as possible with any investigation into work practices arising from complaints from a service user and share any knowledge or concerns.
  • Know what is happening, read memoranda, emails and newsletters.
  • Do not wait until something becomes a major problem. Act early, if we do not we may be condoning bad working practices.






  • All concerns will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made not to reveal an employee’s identity if that is their wish. However, this cannot be guaranteed, if the matter is considered by an external body, outside of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd control, e.g. legal proceedings.


How to raise a Concern


  • When an employee feels concerned about bad practice he or she will need to identify the issues carefully. An employee must be clear about the standards against which he or she is judging practice:


  • Is it illegal?
  • Does it contravene professional codes of practice?
  • Is it against government guidelines?
  • Is it about one individual’s behaviour or is it about general working practices?
  • Does it contradict what the employee has been taught?
  • Has the employee witnessed the incident? If so he or she should write it down.
  • Did anyone else witness the incident at the same time? If so they should write it down.


  • Who an employee should raise concerns with, depends upon on the seriousness and sensitivity of the issue involved and who is suspected of the malpractice. For example, there may be exceptional occasions when they are concerned about poor or bad care practice by colleagues at work or where they are aware of a colleague acting in a way that is illegal, immoral, or unethical.


  • As a first step, an employee should normally raise concerns with their immediate manager/supervisor. However, if their concern is about their manager they should contact Edge Sports and Activities Ltd


  • If an employee’s concern is about the hierarches, he or she should contact Edge Sports and Activities Ltd


  • Once an employee is certain that bad practice exists the following action should be considered:


  • Concerns may be raised verbally or in writing. Employees who wish to make a written report should give the background and history of the concern and the reason why they are particularly concerned about the situation. The earlier concerns are expressed the easier it is to take action.
  • If the employee wishes he or she may ask for a private confidential meeting with the person to whom he or she wishes to make the complaint.
  • The employee should take to the meeting – if possible – dated and signed written supporting statements from anyone who can confirm the allegations.
  • When making the complaint verbally, the employee should write down any relevant information and date it. Keep copies of all correspondence and relevant information.
  • The employee should ask the person to whom he or she is making the complaint what the next steps will be and if anything more is expected of them.
  • Ask to be informed of the outcome of the investigation into the complaint.


  • Although employees are not expected to prove beyond doubt the truth of an allegation, they will need to demonstrate to the person contacted that there are reasonable grounds for their concern.


  • Employees may ask their trade union or professional association representative to advise them, or be present during any meetings or interviews in connection with the concerns they have raised.


  • Employees will not be victimised, disciplined or disadvantaged in any way for raising genuine concerns. All employees have legal protection under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. This Act protects employees from victimisation by their employer as a result of raising genuine concerns either inside or outside their organisation. However, this does not apply where allegations are found to be malicious or deliberately false. Such behaviour will be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure.


  • Employees also have the right to raise matters of concern under the Grievance Procedure


Anonymous Allegations


  • This policy encourages employees to put their name to any allegation whenever possible.


  • Concerns expressed anonymously are much less powerful but will be considered at the discretion of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd.


  • In exercising its discretion the factors to be taken into account would include:


  • The seriousness of the issues raised
  • The credibility of the concern
  • The likelihood of confirming the allegation from attributable sources.


How Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will respond


  • The individual manager hearing the concern is encouraged to take advice from their Personnel Provider.



  • Do not forget that testing out your concerns is not the same as either accepting or rejecting them.


  • Where appropriate, the matters raised may:


  • Be investigated by management through the disciplinary procedure
  • Be referred to the police
  • Be referred to the external auditor
  • Form the subject of an independent inquiry.


  • In order to protect individuals and those accused of misdeeds or possible malpractice, initial enquiries will be made to decide whether an investigation is appropriate and if so what form it should take. The overriding principle Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will have in mind is the public interest. Concerns or allegations, which fall within the scope of specific procedures (for example, child protection or discrimination issues), will normally be referred for consideration under those procedures.


  • Some concerns may be resolved by agreed action without the need for investigation. If urgent action is required this will be taken before any investigation is conducted.


  • In all cases, when an employee raises a concern Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will assess the nature of the concern to decide the appropriate response.


  • Within ten working days of a concern being raised, the manager hearing the concern will write to the employee, and:


  • Acknowledge the concern has been received
  • Indicate how the matter will be dealt with and who will be involved
  • Where possible, give an estimate of how long it will take to provide a response
  • Tell the employee whether any initial enquiries have been made
  • Check whether he or she needs any personal support
  • Tell the employee whether further investigations will take place and if not why not.


  • The amount of contact between the officers considering the issues and the employee will depend on the nature of the matters raised, the potential difficulties involved and the clarity of the information provided. If necessary, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will seek further information from the employee, as part of the investigation process.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will take steps to minimise any difficulties which employees may experience as a result of raising any concerns. For instance, if they are required to give evidence in criminal or disciplinary proceedings, Edge Sports and Activities Ltd will arrange for them to receive support.


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd accepts that individuals need to be assured that the matter has been addressed. Thus, subject to legal constraints and the bounds of confidentiality, we will inform them of the outcome of any investigation, and the action that is to be taken against those whose action caused the concern. Also if appropriate, what changes are to be made to monitor procedures to ensure that a similar concern is not raised in the future.








Untrue Allegations


  • If employees make an allegation in good faith, but it is not confirmed by the investigation no action will be taken against them. If however, they make an allegation frivolously, maliciously or for personal gain, disciplinary action may be taken against them. In such cases, the Disciplinary Procedure will apply.


Responsible Officer


  • Edge Sports and Activities Ltd has the overall responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the Whistle Blowing policy in respect of concerns raised formally outside the management of the company. Edge Sports and Activities Ltd maintain a record of concerns raised and the outcome, but in a form which does not endanger your confidentiality. In respect of concerns raised internally within the company the management will maintain a record of concerns raised and the outcome and will report as necessary.


How matters can be taken further


  • If the employee is not satisfied with the outcome, they may take the matter to the founder of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd if they have not already been involved. Within ten days the company will write to the employee to acknowledge the concern has been received and indicate the steps that will be taken. The company may choose to set up a small group to investigate. The company will then inform the employee of the outcome on the same basis as above.


  • This policy is intended to provide employees with a way to raise concerns within Edge Sports and Activities Ltd. If they are not satisfied and they feel it is right to take the matter outside the company, the employee may also raise the matter with an outside agency if they so desire.


  • If the employee is dissatisfied with the response from Edge Sports and Activities Ltd and subject to the concern being a matter covered by the Act he/she can raise the matter, as appropriate with one of the following:


  • An individual’s local councillor, (if he or she lives within the Council’s boundary)
  • The local citizens advice bureau
  • Relevant professional bodies or regulatory organisations
  • A voluntary organisation
  • Your solicitor
  • The police


  • If employees take their concerns outside of Edge Sports and Activities Ltd, this policy does not apply. They should take advice about their rights and responsibilities. Employees should also make sure that as far as possible the matter is raised without personal information relating to other employees being disclosed.


  • Any employee who unreasonably and without justification raises such issues on a wider basis, such as with the press, without following the steps and advice in this procedure may be liable to disciplinary action.


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