COVID-19: return to swimming

COVID-19 Rules and Guidance for return to swimming lessons

Parent/guardians are required to fully read, understand and sign to confirm that you agree to the following rules and guidelines: The rules and guidelines have been designed to ensure all swim school participants are safe from COVID-19.


Prior to confirmation of term time place (to be completed online)

  1. Complete the ‘COVID-19 form’ – must be completed before any term-time swim course booking can be re-confirmed.

 Click here


Wearing of Face Masks (All Venues)

With the growing numbers of covid cases in our area, particularly in primary schools, can we politely ask that all adults (anyone 18+) attending lessons at any of our venues consider wearing a mask if they can when inside the pool building (including in the changing rooms / on poolside)? Mask wearing is optional and will be left at your discretion.

Lord Wandsworth College (LWC) / All Hallows Catholic School (AH) – Rules and Guidance

Prior to the weekly swimming lessons

  1. Any swimmers or accompanying adults/siblings with Covid-19 symptoms are not permitted to come to the school site/swim in any circumstances (temperature, cough, difficulty breathing or loss of taste/ smell).
  2. Travel outside UK –  You must inform Edge Swim school if any members of a swimmers’ family have travelled outside the UK OR come into contact with someone arriving back in the UK from a country that is outside the common travel area (one that is NOT on the list of countries and territories with no self-isolation on arrival in England). If you / your family have travelled outside the common travel area you must follow Government advice and adhere to the 14-day isolation period (and as such will not be allowed to swim/attend site).
  3. Weekly COVID-19 update – Parents are asked if there any changes in COVID-19 symptoms prior to the weekly swim lesson. Please advise us immediately of any changes.

Current use of changing room (Covid-19)

We have been informed that we can now use the changing rooms from September. Please note that adults are still not allowed onto the poolside, it is just the changing rooms that can be accessed. We still recommend that where possible children still come swim-ready as this will help minimize contact inside. Please find below more details:

Guidelines for use of changing rooms

  1. Only 1 parent/guardian is permitted to bring the child(ren) into the changing rooms
  2. Parents can see the children onto the pool via the entrance to the pool
  3. Changing room can be used for changing before and after lessons
  4. Parents/guardians are not permitted to wait in the changing room while lessons are going on  – once your child is changed please wait outside the main building or back in your car. For Lord Wandsworth –  while lessons are taking place parents must wait in their cars (not outside the pool building as LWC students still use these areas after school hours)
  5. parents must be in the changing rooms 5/8-minutes before the end of the lesson ready for when their child(ren) re-enter the changing room
  6. There is a cleaning spray available if you wish to wipe the surfaces down.
  7. Showers are not in use 
  8. For All Hallows – All parents must either remove footwear or wear the blue overshoe covers when entering the changing rooms


Reminder of the changing room policy – for gender 

Changing room policy

In the interest of the safety and comfort of all our swimmers and in accordance with the Swim England safeguarding policy, we ask that all adults-only access their gender appropriate changing room. Children of 8 years of age and above are also required to change in the gender correct changing room.

To summarize: I.E Dads – please only ever access/use the male changing rooms, irrespective of the gender of your child. Mums – please only ever access/use the female changing rooms, irrespective of the gender of your child.

If your child is over 8 and of the opposite gender, they are asked to change on their own. The policy and more detail can be found here if you would like more information please refer here.

We kindly ask that any parents/guardians whose child is using the changing room without them present, be asked to use them responsibly and remind them that bullying / antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated.

The changing area and showers are not to be used as a play area and any other users of the facility MUST be treated with kindness and respect.

Parents on Poolside (All Hallows)

Parents/guardians are still not permitted to be on the poolside to watch lessons. We ask that you do not wait in the changing but either wait outside in the car park or in your car.

Please return to the changing room at least 5 minutes before the end of the lesson to meet your child(ren) from their lesson.

Parents on Poolside (Lord Wandsworth College)

A limited amount (up to 15 adults only) of spectators on the poolside during lessons.

Given the limited number, we recommend that only those adults who feel it necessary to be on the poolside, do so and those who can, still return back to their cars during lessons.  This helps reduce social contact and leaves poolside places for only those who feel their swimmers benefit from poolside support.  


In our experience, younger children (ducklings / stage 1/2) most benefit from their adults on poolside – we, therefore, suggest those with swimmers stage 3 and above do not go on to the poolside and continue to exit the building after they have changed their child. However, this will not always be the case so the option to stay is open to everyone.

To clarify:

  • Use of the changing room is now allowed before and after swimming lessons.
  • We encourage all swimmers to come swim-ready where possible. *Spectators are not allowed to wait in the changing room during the lesson*
  • Only one adult is allowed to accompany their child / children please.
  • Anyone with swimmers at duckling or stage 1/2 now has the option to stay on poolside during lesson time if they feel it will benefit their child
  • Anyone with swimmers at stage 3 and above are encouraged to return to their car during lessons and wait there until they return to help their swimmer change 5 mins before the end of the lesson

Bringing and collecting the children for their swim lessons

  1. Only one parent/guardian is permitted to bring their child(ren) swimming.
  2. Where possible please do not bring any none swimming siblings to site.
  3. Ready to swim – It is encouraged to bring children to the lessons ready to swim (costume on under towel/onesie/poncho & easy to remove shoes such as flip flops/crocs/sliders etc. This will help reduce the time spent in the changing rooms
  4. The first week of the new term – Parents/guardians arrive with their child/children 10 minutes early in the first week so that everyone can familiarise themselves with the new set-up (where toilets are situated, where to meet after the lesson etc).
  5. Start of the lesson – The children will be registered/met at the pool building entrance before entering the changing room with their parent/guardian.
  6. Entering the pool – the children will enter the poolside from in the changing rooms without parent/guardian
  7. End of the lesson – children will return to changing room and be met by their parent/guardian. You are permitted to use the changing room but not the showers.


EDGE Swim Staff available (in addition to the swim teachers)

  1. Poolside/reception area – In most circumstances, there will a member of the swim team available for you to speak with at the entrance to the poolside.


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